Friday, March 14, 2014

Lethal but Legal: Corporations, Consumption, and Protecting Public Health

Nicholas Freudenberg (City University of New York).  Lethal but Legal (Oxford University Press, 2014). 

"Decisions made by six industries—food, tobacco, alcohol, pharmaceutical, gun, and auto—have a greater impact on today's health than the decisions made by scientists and policymakers. As the collective influence of corporations has grown, governments have increasingly stepped back and allowed for decisions that benefit corporate profit at the expense of public health.  Lethal but Legal examines how corporations have shaped—and plagued—public helath over the last century, beginning in industrialized countries and then moving into less-regualted developing regions.  It is both a current history of corporate antagonism towards health and an analysis of the emerging movements that are challenging those practices." 

  —Lethal but Legal book jacket