John E. Finn (Wesleyan University). Peopling the Constitution (University of Kansas, 2014).
book outlines a very different view of the Constitution as a moral and
philosophical statement about who we are as a nation. This 'Civic
Constitution' constitutes us as a civic body politic, transforming 'the
people' into a singular political entity. Juxtaposing this view with the
legal model, the 'Juridic Constitution,' John E. Finn offers a
comprehensive account of the Civic Constitution as a public affirmation
of the shared principles of national self-identity, and as a particular
vision of political community in which we the people play a significant
and ongoing role in achieving a constitutional way of life. . . . With
its multidimensional vision of constitutional governance, Finn's book
stands as a corrective to accounts that locate the Constitution in and conceive it essentially as a legal instrument, making a powerful and impassioned argument for restoring the people to their rightful place in the politics and practice of the Constitution."
—From book jacket