Friday, January 21, 2022

Cryptocurrencies in Public and Private Law

David Fox & Sarah Green, Cryptocurrencies in Public and Private Law (Oxford University Press, 2019). 

The meteoric rise in the use of cryptocurrencies necessitates that all these difficult legal and sociological questions be urgently examined. This book does so. It is not confined to English law, nor even European legal systems, but considers the problems from the viewpoint of Asian law systems as well. The distinguished authors, all specialists in the topics they address in each of the ten substantive chapters, explain the problems and suggest solutions in a clear and concise way. For any lawyer, like me, who is having to grapple with the legal aspects of cryptocurrencies for the first time, this book is a godsend. And for those who are tyros, the deep and careful analyses that are given in each chapter will provide answers to problems or leads to further study. 

-Richard Aikens (foreword)