Nuno Garoupa (Texas A&M) & Tom Ginsburg (University of Chicago), Judicial Reputation: A Comparative Theory (University of Chicago Press, 2015).
K2146 .G374 2015 (Treatises)
"In Judicial Reputation, Nuno Garoupa and Tom Ginsburg explain how reputation is not only an essential quality of the judiciary as a whole, but also of individual judges. Perceptions of judicial systems around the world range from widespread admiration to utter contempt, and as judges participate within these institutions some earn respect, while others are scorned. Judicial Reputation explores how judges respond to the reputational incentives provided by the different audiences they interact with—lawyers, politicians, the media, and the public itself—and how institutional structures mediate these interactions. The judicial structure is best understood not through the lens of legal culture or tradition, but through the economics of information and reputation."
—Publisher's description