Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Humans as a Service

Jeremias Prassl, Humans as a Service: The Promise and Perils of Work in the Gig Economy (Oxford University Press, 2018).

As courts and governments around the world begin to grapple with the gig economy, Humans as a Service explores the challenges of on-demand work, and explains how we can ensure decent working conditions, protect consumers, and foster innovation. Employment law plays a central role in levelling the playing field: gigs, tasks, and rides are work -- and should be regulated as such. 

-Publisher's Description


 Paul Butler, Chokehold: Policing Black Men (New Press, 2017).

In his no-holds-barred style, Butler, whose scholarship has been featured on 60 Minutes and published widely, uses new data to demonstrate that white men commit the majority of violent crimes in the United States. For example, a white woman is ten times more likely to be raped by a white male acquaintance than to be the victim of a violent crime perpetrated by a black man. Butler also frankly discusses the problem of black male violence and how to keep communities safer -- without relying as much on police. 

-Publisher's Description